National Instruments IMAQ PCI-1407
National Instruments IMAQ PCI-1407超值活動(dòng),數(shù)量有限,售完為止,全都是庫存貨,價(jià)格超低,快來搶購,歡迎來搶購!
PUR Survivor 35 Desalinator/Watermaker NOS
Unitek Benchmark Generation 2 Atmospheric Enclosure
Toolmex Andrychow TUG-40 Geared Head Gap Bed Lathe (Red
Sharp Packaging Max Plus Model 1122 Auto-Bagging Machin
Joos HP-S 15 Hot Press (Reduced 3/12)
PUR Survivor 35 Desalinator/Watermaker NOS
Metaplast PB6-CL Flat Belt Puller 5.75" x 44"
Electroglas EG5 / 300 ARGOS Wafer Prober (Reduced 3/12)
Tenney T20RC-1.5 Environmental Chamber, -73° to 200°C (
Davis Standard Versa Cutting System Killion Extruder
Glenbrook RTX-Mini Portable X-Ray Inspection System (Re
Beacon Medical BPS-7D-580-DCY Scroll Air Compressor Sys
Davis Standard Versa Cutting System Killion Extruder
Tenney / Lunaire T-40 Environmental Chamber (Reduced 3/
Astro-Med Dash 32HF High Frequency Recorder (Reduced 3/
Robopac smalla 960M Horizontal Stretch Wrapping Machi
SSEC Evergreen M10 Wafer & Mask Cleaner
Bridgeport Series I Milling Machine 2HP (Reduced 3/12)
SpectroTest TJF-07 Metal Analyzer (Reduced 3/12)
Zeks Heatsink 250HSEA500 Refrigerated Air Dryer System 到這
Hankison Catalite 1915 Breathing Air Purifier (Reduced
Alzbll AB3R Drilling Machine (Reduced 3/12)
Hull Industries 5A-24 High Capacity Production Console
IsoTech Microsphere 4G Compounding Aseptic Isolator Glo
Lindgren ETS Series 81 RF Shielded Room 9' x 7' x 8' (R
Melton 20L VPail Drum Melter (Reduced 3/12)
Perkin Elmer Autosystem Gas Chromatograph (Reduced 3/12
Schleuniger HC207 Portable Coaxial Cable Strip Machine
HP 89441A Vector Analyzer w/ opt's 1C2/AY7/AY8/AY9/AYA/
Alloyd 2SC1016 Dual Shuttle Sealer, 10 x 16!
Teledyne Combiflash Companion Chromatography System (Re
Bio Rad UMA-500 Spectroscopic Microscope, 15x & 4x
MEI 709 Die Mounter, w/ StereoZoom 4 Microscope
HP/Agilent E9850A VXI Embedded PC Controller
HP E4433B opt's 1E5/UND/UN4/UN5/UN7
Hull Industries 5A-24 High Capacity Production Console
Caliper Life Science Tekmar Autotrace SPE Workstation (
Weinschel 8852 Frequency Converter (Reduced 3/12)
GAM Laser EX10 Excimer Laser System (Reduced 3/12)
Panasonic PT-L6600U LCD Projector (Reduced 3/12)
Parker Filtration System (Reduced 3/12)
GSI ScanArray 3000 Microarray Scanner
Empire Pro-Finish FS-2636 3 Piece System!
HP 8665A High Perbance Synthesized Signal Generator
Spellman RHSR60N60 High Voltage Power Supply w/ opt's
Bio-Rad FTS 45 FT-IR Spectrometer w/UMA 300A FTIR
Beacon Medical OHT-3TS-80-C101102 Reciprocating Air Com
Nicolet Model 730 FTIR Spectrometer with AEM Module (Re
Mech-El Industries 709 Manual Eutectic Die Attacher
Zero Products BNP65-600R&DC Media Blaster w/ Filter
Novatech Novadrier N-7 w/ Manual & Hose (Mint Cond.)
Blue M POM7-136C-3 Mechanical Convection Oven (Reduced
Orbotech VT8000X Inspection Machine (Reduced 2/12)
HP/Agilent 8341A Synthesized Sweeper W/ Opts.001,006 (R
Metrum MET64SCUAO 4000 Speed (Reduced!)
Perkin Elmer Arnel Autosampler
HP 89410A Vector Signal Analyzer w/Opt.1C2,AY7,AY9,AYA,
Thermtec 3 Stack Furnace
Amray 1200B Electron Scanning Microscope
Amray 1200C Electron Scanning Microscope
Coherent Innova 90-6 with LaserPure 20N & Power Supply
LMI SE2050 Laser Engraver (Reduced 1/12)
Spirent TAS5600 Universal Interface Emulator
Branson 8400 Ultrasonic Welder
Tektronix GB1400 Analyzer/Generator Test Set (Reduced)
Perkin Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detector
Rohde & Schwarz FSEB20 Spectrum Analyzer (Reduced 1/12)
HP 8644B High-Perbance Signal Generator 2060MHz Opts
Lydall Affinity CBD-007S-BB09C-BD3 Chiller
Cox Instruments PSTS Transfer Standard w/ 4050 Computer
TA Instruments TMA2940 Thermomechanical Analyzer (Reduc
Schleuniger 207 Bench-Top Wire Stripper
Factory Serviced &Calibrated by Scleuniger
Heller 1148 IRC Reflow Convection Oven
Reliant M15 Elite Fusing Press (Reduced 1/12)
Graco C20 Check-Mate CM7A3B P20LCS Pump Package System
HP E1426A VXI Digitizing Oscilloscope Module (Reduced 1
Barnstead F30420C Tabletop Laboratory Furnace
Mitutoyo PH-350A Optical Comparator
Amtech Ultraweld 20 Precision Ultrasonic Welder
HP 4352B VCO / PLL Signal Analyzer (Reduced!)
ABB Raymond 300399 Media Blast System (Reduced 10/11)
Blue M Lindberg WSP-109C-MP3 Shock Chamber (Reduced 2/1
Applied Systems Eng.167KU 300 Watt TWT (Reduced 2/12)
Met One A2432 Manifold Particle Counting System, New
Hardinge Horizontal Mill
GN Nettest MPA7100 Multichannel Protocol Analyzer (Redu
Varian VZH6979G1 TWT Amplifier
Stanford Research SR400 Gated Photon Counter
Agilent 70420A Phase Noise Test Set w/ opt 001(Reduced
I-Tech IFC-4016 Fibre Channel Analysis
Wandel & Goltermann RME-5 / RMS-5 System (Reduced!)
CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure System
Leco AP-300 Automatic Grinder/Polisher
Midas De-Lidder DL-3 Lid Remover
IPA-2-400 Wire Stitcher, 2" Capacity
Blue M DC-206C Convection Oven
HP 8510C opt 010 50 GHz Network Analyzer (Reduced 10/11
Power Magnetics Inc 260KVA Transber (Reduced 1/12)
Agilent E1437A VXI Digitizer Module
Nikon Linear Measurescope 20 LS-403 Stage
Nikon Measurescope 20 LS-402 Stage
Mattson Polaris IR-10410 FTIR Spectrometer (Reduced 1/1
M&W Flowrite RPC175A Recirculating Cooling System (Redu
Air-Hydraulics C-500A 15 Ton Air Over Hydraulic Press (
Spirent SRS3452 CDMA Network Emulator
HP 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator, 10 KHz to 2560 M
ATS 1601 High Temperature 4 Point Extensometer
ToolTemp TT-380 Temperature Controller
Blue M CSP400A-B-ST350-HP Processing Oven
Metrum MET64SCUA 8000 Speed (Reduced 2/12)
Grieve HA-850 Horizontal Air-Flow Oven (Reduced 2/12)
Coulter Delsa 440 Particle Counter w/ Power Supply (Red
Agilent J1422B Transmitter Module
Tektronix TDS3034B Phosphor Oscilloscope w/ Modules (Re
Rohde & Schwarz SMY 02 / SMY02 Signal Generator
Comtest G-Strip RF Enclosure
Cumberland 284 Pelletizer, Granulator
Bruel & Kjaer 4602B w/ 4185 & Accessories (Reduced)
Solartron/Schlumberger 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer.
Uson Testra 1100 Gauge Decay Tester
Spirent / Netcom Lan-6201B
HP 83420A opts 014 / 210
Sterling M2B-2712-C Temperature Control Unit
CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure Unit
EMI EMHP 30-600 DC Power Supply 0-30 V / 0-600 A (Reduc
Forma Scientific 3908 Reach-In Incubator
Micro Robotics Systems Inc Model 170G (Reduced!)
Agilent N4484A Mismatch Noise Source
Agilent N4486A Remote Receiver Module
Spirent TAS 4500C RF Channel Emulator
Tektronix VM700A opt's 01/30/40/48 (Reduced 1/12)
HP 8510C Microwave Vector Network Analyzer System (Redu
Eubanks 1000 Series I Automatic Wire Stripper w/ Stand
HP 4380A 500 MHz S-Parameter Test Set (Reduced!)
Blue M WSP-109B-3 Shock Chamber Oven (Reduced 2/12)
Agilent J1420B Receiver Module
Chase Machine & Engineering Oven Module (Reduced! 10/11
Branson 125 Vapor Degreaser
Associated Research 7650 Dielectric Tester & High Volta
Climet CI-4102 Particle Counter Kit (Reduced 1/12)
Dukane Lot of Qty 2 43A240 & Qty 1 Ultra 351 Auto-Trac
HP Agilent 83595A Sweeper Plug-In Opt.002
Microtrac FRA 9250 Particle Size Analyzer (No Software)
Buehler Fibrmet Optical Fiber Polisher
CTI Cryogenics-Helix SC 350 Cryo Compressor, 45 Hours
HP 8566B Spectrum Analyzer System w/ Cables
IRD 350 Vibration Analyzer (Reduced!)
Westinghouse Type 50K64 50kW RF Generator (Reduced 1/12
HP Agilent 8760A K72 Perbance Test Matrix (Reduced)
Budzar BTU Multi-Zone Electrically HeatedTemp. Unit
Millipore Waters Quanta 4000E (Reduced)
HP Agilent 5183U Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope
Therma-Probe 200 Ion Implant Monitoring System (Reduced
LaserMike 183-100
Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-62 Press
HP 8753B w/opt 006 Network Analyzer (Reduced 1/12)
Micromanipulator model 6000 Prober (Very Nice Condition
Ideal 3915-95 Guilotine, New, with Accessories
U.S. Laser Corporation Model 4037 YAG Laser Trimming Sy
Tektronix VM700A opt/s 01/30/40 (Reduced 1/12)
Marconi 2851S Digital Communications Analyzer Opts.005
Metrum VLDSB Data tape Recorder (Reduced 2/12)
Zeiss High-Powered Microscope System (Reduced 2/12)
Maag Flockmaschinen SPG 1000 Rise Time Tester (Reduced
Koolant Koolers KV2000 Industrial Chiller (Reduced 2/12
Agilent 8509B Lightwave Polarization Analyzer (Reduced
Agilent E1439A VXI Digitizer Mod. (Reduced!)
Thermo Scientific MaxQ 3000 Platb Shaker
HP Agilent 83592C Sweeper Plug-In (Reduced 10/11)
Patterson Kelley LB-10555 Liquid Solids Blender
Orec Model 03DM-100 Ozone Monitor
ENI Power Systems OEM-25 RF Generator (Reduced 1/12)
Alcab CIT Crystal 62 Diffusion Pump System w/Alcab
Veeco RG1000 Ionization Guage
ZES Zimmer LMG95 Single Phase Precision Power Meter
Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Welder
Beijing Huija Automation Component Counter
Despatch LBB2-18-1 Forced Convection Oven, 40° - 204°C
Lecroy LC584AM Osciloscope w/ opt's
HP 8146A opt 003 (Reduced)
Tektronix GB1400 GigaBert Analyzer w/ Opt's 08 & 09
Standard Environmental Systems STB/1C (Reduced 2/12)
HP 8753B w/opt 010 Network Analyzer (Reduced 2/12)
C&M 36HD Heavy Duty Baler (Reduced 2/12)
HP 35665A Dual Channel FFT Dynamic Signal Analyzer Opts
HP/Agilent 8566A Spectrum Analyzer System Calibrated (R
Tektronix AWG 2021 Arbitrary Waveb Generator w/ Opti
Pelco Model 3 Sputter Coater w/ 91200 Power Supply
Tensile Testers, Inc JDH Tensile Strength Tester
Schaffner NSG 431 Electrostatic Discharge System
Jouan CR 412 Refrigerated Centrifuge
HP 8971C Noise Figure Test Set
Vickers Hydraulic Pump System w/Thermal Transfer Heat E
Seven Associates B-1A Induction Heating Unit
Advanced Energy PDW 600 RF Generator
HP Agilent 5361A CW Microwave Counter, (Reduced!)
Instrument Systems RPA2000 (Reduced!)
Seiko D-Tran XM 3064 B11LN Robotic Arm (Reduced 1/12)
Spellman RHSR15PN60 High Voltage Power Supply
Giga-tronics 6082A opt 130 Synth Sig Gen (Reduced!)
Spellman RHR30PM60 / FG / CR / TP/ RVC
Union Special 35800 DR Felling Machine (Reduced 1/12)
Spirent TAS4500 Flex RF Channel Emulator
Spirent TAS5200 RF Converter
Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-54 Press
Varian 936-60 Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector (Reduced
Molecular Devices Cytosensor Microphysiometer
Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-BD3 Chiller
VWR 1670 Horizontal Air Flow Laboratory Oven
Advanced Energy MDX Magnetron Drive 2172
GCI DE1AC Air Conensing Chiller
Tektronix OT502 E/O Converter
Tektronix OR502 O/E Converter
Labline 4628 Obrital Shaker
Ametek DR833 Cat.No 550643 Rotron Regenerative Blower
Alcab 2063CP+ Vacuum Pump w/SOMER LS100L MOT3 Motor
Appleton AH360-188 Explosion-Proof Lighting Fixture
HP 8643A Signal Generator Opt. H02 (Reduced 12/11)
K&E Vectron Transit Theodolite
Tektronix 1502C TDR w/ opt 03 (Reduced 1/12)
HP 85101C Network Analyzer
Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-CBS Chiller
Lydall Affinity RAA-002H-BB06C-CBC3 Chiller
Watson Marlow 604S/R IP555 Peristaltic Pump
NoiseCom UFX 7907 Prog. Noise Generator (Reduced!)
Tektronix VM700A opt's 01/40 (Reduced 1/12)
Vestil 4853 / Scale Hydrolic Scissor Lift
Beckman Multimek 96 Automated Pipettor
Astro Med Dash 16u Channel Chart Recorder (Reduced 2/1
National Instruments PXI-2532 Crosspoint Matrix (Reduce
Wavetek 21117 Noise Figure Test Set w/ opt 01
HP 16190A Perbance Test Kit, Complete (Reduced 3/12)
HP 70842B Error Detector Module w/ Opt H50 (Reduced!)
CITI PLUS II G2P02 Dualband GSM 850 Phones
Analogic / Data Precision 3001 AC Power Source
Noisecom UFX-BER 892 / 1850 Precision C/N Generator
Wavetek 4600 Autocal Amp (Reduced !)
Tektronix SJ300E SDH / SONET Jitter Analyzer (Reduced 1
Valhalla 2301 Power Analyzer, 2 Available!
ESI 231C
Tektronix VM700 Video Test Set w/ opt's 01 (Reduced 1/1
Watson PS2-CB-2 Dual Position Payoff Wire Drawing Machi
Agilent J1421A SpectralBER Clock Source
Hankison HPRP0.75CU Compressed Air Dryer
HP 4277A LCZ Meter
HP 70621A 2.9 GHz Preamplifier Module (Reduced!)
DLS Test Works DLS400 ADSL Wireline Simulator
Ebara / Varian 323-0014 Cryocompressor 2.1
LeCroy LC574A 1 FGz DSO w/opt's!
HP 4191A RF Impedance Analyzer
TTC Interceptor 1402S Communication Analyser 1/3/5/6/8R
HP/Agilent 89411A Network Analyzer Downconverter
HP/Agilent 5508A Laser Measurement Display (Reduced 2/1
HP 8684B Microwave Signal Generator Opt.002
Anritsu MG3670B Modulation Signal Generator w/ opt's
Noise/Com Model UFX-BER 892/1850 Precision CN Generator
Rheometrics RSA 2 Solids Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer 70
Tektronix 1502B TDR w/opt 03 (Reduced 1/12)
JET Equipment & Tools JMD-20VS-1 Drilling / Milling Mac
Tektronix TDS520B 500 MHz Oscilloscope (Reduced!)
EG&G 1461 Detector Interface / Controller (Reduced 1/12
Tektronix A6909 Two Channel Isolator (Reduced 3/12)
MetOne A2408-1-115-1 Portable Laser Particle Counter
Wayne Kerr 3220A Inductance Analysis System
ETS / Lindgren T/T RF Enclosure
HP 8757A Scalar Network Analyzer (Reduced 2/12)
Perkin Elmer Series 410 Liquid Chromatograph Pump
Perkin Elmer Sigma 10 Chromatography Data Station
Datab DCP1210 Equipment Nest w/ Datab DCP3180 CSU/D
HP 16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture (Reduced 12/
LMT Model LD-390 Component Lead Trim
Fife Guide P25-1H22A1A Rotary Vacuum Pump w/Leeson Moto
Blue M / Lindberg RWB3220A Water Bath
JetSat CPI VKU-7820A8 Klystron RF Tube (Reduced 10/11)
Anritsu MG3670B Modulation Signal Generator w/ opt's
CTI Cryogenics-Helix Cryo-Torr 8 High Vacuum Cryopump w
CTI Cryogenics-Helix SC 350 Cryo Compressor, 30,000 Hou
HP / Agilent 81685A Amplifier Test Set (Reduced 11/11)
Wandel & Goltermann RS-100 White Noise Generator
National Instruments PXI-8196
Vickers Hydraulic Power Unit, 5 Gal Per Minute
NHI NHI-2040MW-10L Solid State Amplifier
Beckman L5B-CT Ultracentrifuge with Rotor
HP 5183T Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope
Anelva PRF-153B RF Generator
Rapid-Air R34F Stock Reel
Spirent SR5059 RF Signal
Mystaire 2450 Ductless
Spirent TAS5200i IF Converter
Lindberg / Blue M Thermo GO1330A-1 Gravity Oven
LaserMike 500-02
Carpenter 48 Flat Cable Stripper (Reduced 1/12)
HP 83470A K71 Lightwave Reference Transmitter
LaserMike 60-05-09
LaserMike 50-03
Weinschel 8310 Series 6268 SmartStep® Attenuator Unit
Tek-Temp NRH450 Recirculating Heater with Options
Marconi 2305
Agilent N4483A Noise Parameter Test Set (Reduced 10/11)
Vestil EHLTX-4855-1-39 Hydrolic Scissor Lift
HP 83590A Sweep Generator Module, w/ opt 004
Quadtech 1870 AC DC Dielectric Analyzer
OCE G6035-S Scanner
Budzar / Shini BWA-STM-1220-LT-460 Oil
TTC T-Berd 310 Communications Analyzer w/ opt's
HP Agilent 35689B S-Parameter Test Set, 150 MHz
Pelton & Crane Validator 10 Autoclave Sterilizer
Leybold S16B Trivac Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump w/AEG Motor
Watson Marlow Trio Close Coupled Pump
HP 54620C Logic Analyzer
HP E1431A VXI Digitizer Module 8-Channel, New In Box
Plasma-Therm, Inc. PE-1000 AC Plasma Power Source
Watson PS2-CB-1 Single Position Payoff (Reduced 2/12)
HP Agilent E1413C High-Speed 64-Channel Converter
HP 8662A Synthesized Signal Generator (Reduced 3/12)
HP E1431A VXI Digitizer Module 8-Ch
ENI OEM-650A XL RF Generator
Watson Marlow 620RE4 Pump Head w/Nord SK71/4 Motor & No
Watson Marlow Trio Close Coupled Pump
LeCroy 9354M Digital Oscilloscope w/ opt's (Reduced 10/
HP Agilent 8922M GSM Mobile Station Test Set w/ Opt's
New York Blower Co. 2610A Pressure Blower
HP 89605A RF Input and Calibration Modules
Tektronix PQA300 Picture Quality Analysis System Comple
TTC 2000 Integrated Test Platb w/ TTC 2209 Module (R
Continental CMA-202R Aircooled Liquid Chiller (Reduced
WaveTek 1395 Arbitrary Waveb Synthesizer
HP 11729C Carrier Noise Test Set, 10MHz to 18GHz (Reduc
Solartron 7151 Computing Digital Multimeter (Reduced 10
HP 83404A Lightwave Source Module
NBSC InnOva 2100 Platb Shaker w/ User Manual
HP 70900B Local Oscillator Module (Reduced 10/11)
GL Communication Inc. 9121TB1G8CE
LeCroy 9350AM Digital Oscilloscope w/ Options